PRESS RELEASE – December 2020

Sussex Gardens Trust ‘Unforgettable Gardens’ initiative 2020-22   Sussex Gardens Trust and its national body, The Gardens Trust is celebrating the theme of ‘Unforgettable Gardens’ over the next 3 years – what they mean to us, the threats they face, and how we can help save them for future generations.  Although planned before the arrival of the pandemic it would be hard to think of a more apposite theme to remind us of just how much we value our parks, gardens and open spaces, both the personal and private and the public.


Denmans Garden, listed in August as a Grade II garden on the National Heritage list of England, is due to be one of the featured ‘Unforgettable Sussex Gardens’ across the Sussex Gardens Trust social media platforms and the aim is to bring the Sussex community of garden lovers, owners and managers together to celebrate our terrific garden heritage.


Now more than ever SGT contributes actively to the conservation of our local garden heritage and the Denmans Team is really pleased to be part of the ‘Unforgettable Gardens’ campaign.


Gwendolyn van Paasschen, Chairman of the John Brookes-Denmans Foundation says: “We are grateful to the Sussex Gardens Trust for their ongoing support and interest in preserving Denmans.  As many know, the garden was badly neglected for many years because of a business dispute, but after nearly three years of hard work and determination on the part of every member of the Denmans team, the garden is returning to its former stunning beauty.  There remains much to do but the enthusiasm of our public and the listing of the Garden has been tremendously encouraging.  The ‘Unforgettable Gardens’ initiative closely allies with the intentions we have here at Denmans to preserve the garden’s history and legacy – inspire, educate, and provide a place of tranquility and reflection”


#unforgettablegardens #sharinglandscapes

Twitter: @SXGardensTrust @thegardenstrust

Facebook: The Gardens Trust Sharing Landscapes page and The Gardens Trust/ The Sussex Gardens Trust group

Instagram: @thegardenstrust

For more information please contact Louise Campbell 07540892364
